Create a healthier workplace
Engage employees in their healthcare journey
Reduce healthcare costs, sick days, disability claims and death
Improve employee productivity, satisfaction, morale and health outcomes
Promote your health programs and digital health tools
Connect employees to the resources they need to live a healthier life
Measure and report workforce health using clinical grade health data

High Blood Pressure: America's #1 Health Risk Factor
- 50% of American adults have high blood pressure
- 66% of those with high blood pressure are untreated or uncontrolled
- 20% of those with high blood pressure don't know they have it
- Costs the United States $133 billion annually
- Regular blood pressure monitoring leads to significant improvement in blood pressure control

Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure: Employer Costs
- $500 to $750 per employee per year
- 88% more hours of absenteeism
High Blood Pressure: America's #1 Health Risk Factor
- 50% of American adults have high blood pressure
- 66% of those with high blood pressure are untreated or uncontrolled
- 20% of those with high blood pressure don't know they have it
- Costs the United States $133 billion annually
- Regular blood pressure monitoring leads to significant improvement in blood pressure control
Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure: Employer Costs
- $500 to $750 per employee per year
- 88% more hours of absenteeism

To Employees:
- Clinical grade blood pressure measurement
- Educate and assist in blood pressure control
- Weight measurement and Body Mass Index calculation
- Printed session and historical results
- Confidential, integrated, digital health tracking
- Data backed by evidence, and trusted by physicians
To Employers:
- Employee engagement
- Cost savings related to decreased illness, sick days, disability, and death
- Improved employee productivity, job satisfaction and morale
- Regional insurance plan programs and sponsorship opportunities
- Integration with employee health apps and other digital health tools
- A customizable, 21.5" color, touchscreen "digital health and wellness promotional tool"
- Educate and connect employees to healthcare promotions and resources
- Aggregated population health data reporting
- Meaningful data and measurable results